Giving common people uncommon access to precious metals at dealer cost
Everyone knows the dollar is worth less and less. It is what has been called “fiat” money. That means it is not backed by anything but the hard work of the American people and empty promises from political leaders.
The devaluation of the dollar leaves us very vulnerable.
The purchasing power of the consumer dollar as measured by the Consumer Price Index has dropped from 100 cents when the Fed opened for business in 1914 to barely 3 cents today. That is a 97% value-loss!
That’s why so many people are talking about gold, silver and other precious metals. They are tangible. They don’t lose value. They stand the test of time. They have real worth. Millions of people all over the world are buying precious metals to hedge their wealth against a dollar disaster.
It’s time to start trading worthless paper for worthwhile assets.
But how do you know you are getting the best price?
There are 9 suppliers of physical precious metals in the U.S.
Only nine.
And every single dealer in the U.S. has to buy from these nine.
The Founder of At Cost Metals has interfaced his software directly with 4 of the 9 suppliers authorized to purchase their metals directly from the US MINT!
The client comes through our membership and purchases DIRECTLY from the supplier. The metals are literally drop-shipped from the supplier to your door or your vault.
This is BELOW prices that most dealers pay for the same metals. There is zero overhead, NO middleman, NO markup; therefore NO ONE can beat our prices, PERIOD!
I’m inviting you to join an exclusive membership called At Cost Metals. Just like people join Costco to have access to better pricing on the things they want, this is a membership for those who want to protect their wealth.
Did you know Costco makes 73% of their profits from memberships?
That enables them to sell products for less. At Cost Metals utilizes this same model but without the markups of a wholesaler like Costco. We give you direct to supplier pricing with our exclusive membership!
Costco as a buyer’s club has been selling up to $200 million worth of gold bars every month, as estimated by Wells Fargo! Why? Because people know their dollars are worth less and less.
We BEAT COSTCO pricing every day because you get direct pricing. Whatever you are looking for in precious metals, we have it, direct from the suppliers who purchase directly from the U.S. MINT, and you get access to the prices only dealers get.
Watch this simple 4-minute overview of the membership opportunity:
There is so much good information in that video that it is definitely worth watching again! Give it a try and imagine what it could mean to your life to get the best pricing on gold, silver and precious metals direct from the suppliers, just like the big dealers!
At Cost Metals memberships are obtained only through the invitation of a current member. To join you will receive a referral code from the member who has shared the membership benefits with you. At Cost Metals pays current members a commission when someone joins through their referral code. Rather than spend that money advertising we prefer keeping it in the family!
Some only want the At Cost Metals Membership to gain direct pricing and that’s all they are interested in.
But it is funny how once they have received their metals, they tell someone else about it. Why not earn a little extra by that introduction? And if you really get serious about building a team, that little can become a LOT, $2,000, $10,000 or even $30,000 per week! The below videos show you exactly how that can happen for you.
If you watch TV talk shows or listen to podcasts or radio personalities, you know that everyone is advertising a precious metals dealer. The big difference is the radio personalities or podcasters are getting paid to advertise those dealers. But At Cost Metals will pay YOU to introduce our company to others.
People have joined our team who are attorneys, financial advisors, college presidents, musicians, bankers, farmers, and doctors. They all had something in common…they know a good deal when they see one.
You can simply join the At Cost Metals Membership and enjoy the best pricing on precious metals. But you can also build a substantial income sharing this membership with others. You will be building more income for yourself and also sharing something very valuable with others.
You can literally make thousands per week by simply sharing our membership advantage with other people. Watch this short, simple cartoon video to see how:
For more details watch this simple overview on how you can be compensated for inviting others to join At Cost Metals:
The timing is right.
The product is right.
At Cost Metals is easy to talk about. If you are saving money on your own purchases, you will naturally tell others about it. And you can use your earning to buy more precious metals for your portfolio, or you can use it for everyday needs.
Congratulations! You have made it this far and deserve to have more discussion with the team member who invited you here. This business is simple and straightforward information that can set your life on a new course.
Lowest price on precious metals;
highest buyback if you need to sell them.
And best affiliate compensation plan in the industry if you join our team.
I assume you are looking for ways to secure your financial future. And all around you are people looking to do the same. Join our team here with At Cost Metals and together we can make a huge difference in the lives of ordinary people giving them extraordinary access to precious metals at direct prices.
Let the person who invited you to this page know you are interested in becoming a member of At Cost Metals. They can put you directly on the phone with team leaders who have been with At Cost Metals since the very beginning. The exciting part is that the actual network build-out is very young, meaning there’s lots of room for growth in the company that will directly impact your earnings if you choose to build with us.
Our team has weekly training and information calls to help you introduce At Cost Metals to others.
Don’t wait; hurry and get back to your friend who invited you to this page. Or be courteous when they follow up with you to see what you liked about this information.